How to Choose Which Notifications are Received in Spotify?

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Time and again, you will notice that Spotify will send you notifications in the notifications drawer and your email. You get notifications regarding recommended music, new music, playlist updates, concerts, artist updates, Spotify product news, and offers. If you get annoyed by these messages you can turn them off or specify the type of notification that you would like to receive.

To turn them off completely, you will have to use the Android system feature Android Settings > Apps and Notifications > Spotify > App notifications. Drag the slider to the left for On to turn it Off. It will stop all the notifications in your Android device completely. You can achieve the same from the notification drawer itself. Just when you get a notification from Spotify, drag the slider and long press on it to be able to turn it off.

Spotify Android Notifications

But this is not what everyone wants. You can customize app-level notifications. The Spotify app allows you to be granular with what you get. So, you can turn off Concert Updates while allowing New Music notifications to show up. There’s a simple setting for it in the Spotify App itself.

Here are the steps to choose which notifications you receive in Spotify:

  1. Go to ⚙ present on the top-right.
  2. Scroll down to Notifications and tap on it.
  3. Drag the slider toward the left for a typical category of notification that needs to be disabled
    Spotify App Level Notifications
Push Notifications are those that you receive in the top of your phone or tablet.
Email Notifications are sent to you via email.

Notification Categories

  • Recommended Music: Suggested music by the app with the help of what you listened to in the past.
  • New Music: Newly added tracks from artists you follow or might prefer.
  • Playlist Updates: When a playlist you follow is updated you get notified.
  • Concert Notifications: You get it when an artist that you like is performing near your location.
  • Artist Updates: It is about the artists you listen to including those that the app thinks you might like.
  • Product News: Features of the app and how to get started along with some latest products on Spotify.
  • Spotify News and Offers: Includes promos, news, and events that are customized for you.

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