Avidemux is a free and popular video conversion tool that is used to edit videos and apply different effects. Using this tool, you can convert 3D half side-by-side (HSBS) videos into 2D. When you make such a conversion from 3D to 2D, you will be able to watch HSBS movies in normal screens of your laptop or PC display.
Unlike when using VLC to convert from 3D to 2D while playing videos, the changes made by Avidemux are permanent. So you can watch the movie file in any 2D screen at your convenience. This open-source program is supported across several platforms including Windows, Mac OS X and several distributions of linux such as Ubuntu, Debian and Mandriva.
To convert or encode HSBS 3D videos to 2D using Avidemux, follow these steps:
- Download Avidemux from it’s official website, install it and open the software.
- Click on “File > Open” and browse/open the 3D video file you want to convert.
- In “Video Output” select Mpeg4 AVC (x264) as your container and format.
- Click on Filters.
- From available filters, double click “Crop”.
- Apply half of the width of your video to either left or right to crop from. If your video is 1920 X 1080 then apply 960 on the left to crop.
- You will see half the video screen filled up by a color instead of your video. Click on OK.
- Next, apply the filter swsResize by double clicking it.
- Uncheck the “Lock Aspect Ratio” check box so that you can change the video width independently.
- In the Width field, input the original width of your video which is 1920. Click OK.
- You can click preview and drag around the slider to see the changes you made. If you are satisfied, it’s time to export it.
- Click on “Close” to close the video filter manager.
- Click on the save video button or “File > Save” and give a video name to save it.
- After some time, your 3D to 2D converted video will be available.
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