MX Player – Pick Folders & File Extensions to Include or Exclude in Library?

By default, MX Player for Android will avoid the notifications folder at /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/ and /storage/emulated/0/Notifications. It will also avoid the Ringtones folder at /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/ The folder structure may not be exactly same in all Android phones and tablets. It means that short tracks and files are excluded from the media library. But there are manual options where additional folders can…

Spotify – How to Crossfade Tracks?

Crossfading songs in Spotify for Android will slowly fade out the current track and fade in the next music. It is a way to improve your listening experience. The volume of the first track will go down slowly as it approaches the end and it will mute as the track finishes. The volume of the next track will gradually increase…

How to save data in YouTube Music app?

YouTube Music app for Android or Apple Devices for streaming your favorite music videos, then you have a couple of choices to save data in your mobile device. In your smartphone, you can opt-in to stream using only Wi-Fi connections or limit mobile data usage by not streaming HD media on Wi-FI. You can also Download the video to your…

How to Remove jetAudio HD Music Player from notification bar and lock screen

When a musical track is played using jetAudio HD Music Player app for Android, it takes over a portion of the notification bar and the lock screen. Slide down the notification bar and there will be the basic controls and track information on it. Lock your phone, press the power button and the same controls are present in the lock…

Poweramp Music Player – How to Crossfade Between Two Tracks ?

Crossfading is when one song gradually becomes silent at the end while the next one starts from silence. It is common for media player apps to use crossfading in music to give the listeners a sense of a smooth transition. It is easily possible in Poweramp Music Player for Android to crossfade between two tracks. In your Android phone or…

How to Hide Short Music in jetAudio HD Music Player?

You can easily hide music shorter than 0 to 30 seconds in jetAudio HD Music Player for Android smartphones and tablets. There’s an easy option which allows you to specify the minimum length of audio for the Android app to consider it a music file and include it in the library. This feature allows you to ignore certain short tracks….

How to Hide/Unhide Songs in Spotify

In Spotify, you can block songs from ever being played again. You can press on the block button which is on the right end of the player controls when a song is being played. Under playlists, it is next to the ‘Love’ button. When you press the don’t play this button, it will hide that particular song from the playlists…

How to Rotate a Video Screen Orientation while Playing in MX Player

When you open videos in MX player, it takes you to the landscape mode where you have to hold the Android phone or tablet sideways. The entire screen area is used up and it is much better to watch videos this way. But you also have the option to watch the video in portrait mode. It works great for vertical…

How to View Media Information in VLC Player for Android

If you want to view media information (like bitrate, codec, and screen resolution) in VLC for Android, then all you do is click on the options button (⋮) and then select the Information option. It is as simple as that. On the screen that follows, you get to see the cover art or thumbnail view on top with the file…

Find out Audio Video Properties: Resolution, Frame Rate in MX Player

If you have a video playing in MX player and want additional details about it then you can view it in the properties. It is available under ⋮ > Tools > Properties. The properties screen will give you file information such as file location, size, date and media information such as format, resolution, and length. There’s also an option to…