

Disable “Also Share on Google+” Checkbox on YouTube

Ever since Google integrated Google+ comments in YouTube, people have not been that happy. They have to have a Google Plus account in order to comment in YouTube and not everyone wants a Google Plus account. Now it has already been some time since this integration and people have finally begun to accept this change. Another thing about Google+ comment…

Website Appears Small in Google Chrome? Fix Resolution by Zooming

One issue with 1080p screen laptops is that the high resolution might make on-screen items appear really small. This issue is prevalent in 15.5 inch or smaller laptops. The pixel density is high in such screens but the physical size of the screen results in small icons and websites. This is experienced while browsing websites using Google Chrome. Websites that…

How to encrypt/decrypt files and folders in MS Windows?

If you are looking to make your files and folders secure in Windows, then there is an inbuilt feature available for operating system. The feature is called Encrypting File System (EFS) and it stores your data in an encrypted format to prevent unauthorized access. But this advanced feature is only available for Windows Pro and Windows Enterprise users. The Windows…