
MX Player

MX Player – Pick Folders & File Extensions to Include or Exclude in Library?

By default, MX Player for Android will avoid the notifications folder at /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/ and /storage/emulated/0/Notifications. It will also avoid the Ringtones folder at /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/ The folder structure may not be exactly same in all Android phones and tablets. It means that short tracks and files are excluded from the media library. But there are manual options where additional folders can…

How to Rotate a Video Screen Orientation while Playing in MX Player

When you open videos in MX player, it takes you to the landscape mode where you have to hold the Android phone or tablet sideways. The entire screen area is used up and it is much better to watch videos this way. But you also have the option to watch the video in portrait mode. It works great for vertical…

Find out Audio Video Properties: Resolution, Frame Rate in MX Player

If you have a video playing in MX player and want additional details about it then you can view it in the properties. It is available under ⋮ > Tools > Properties. The properties screen will give you file information such as file location, size, date and media information such as format, resolution, and length. There’s also an option to…

Switch, Enable & Disable Hardware and Software Decoder in MX Player

If certain video or audio formats or individual files are choppy, grainy or stuck during playback in MX Player for Android, you can switch between the hardware and software decoder. The HW decoder will use your device’s hardware like GPU to play the media. SW decoder means that your CPU and application is being used to understand the media and…

How to Switch Between Video and Audio Player in MX Player

MX Player is a popular media player that can double as a video as well as an audio player. It also has two different interfaces to help you switch between video and audio. When you switch from video player to audio, it only lists music and MP3 files. By default, the video player will show the videos with thumbnails on…