There are different options available to increase the level of interactivity in your blog. Comments are an important place in a website or blog, where interaction can be done with the website as well as with other visitors. A webmaster or blog owner must be careful and selective while choosing a proper commenting system.
One of the options available in Blogger/Blogspot is to enable Google Plus commenting system in the blog. Your visitors will get the opportunity to comment in your blog using their Google Plus Account. They will also get the option to share their comments to Google Plus as well.
To enable Google Plus Comments in Blogger for Default Templates:
- Enable Google Plus profile for Blogger. If you are one of the old Blogger account holders, visit this link to switch to Google+. You will be creating a Google+ account with your Google account and automatically linking to Blogger with it. Most people can skip this step.
- Now, open the blog where you want to activate Google Plus comments.
- From the options on the left, click on Settings > Posts and Comments.
- Make sure that the comment location is selected as “Embedded”. Any other option (Full Page/Pop up Window/Hide) won’t work.
- Now again from the links in the left, click on Google+.
- From there, mark the check box that says “Use Google+ comments on this blog”.
- Google Plus comments will be activated in your Blogger blog using default templates.
To enable Google Plus Comments in Blogger with Custom Templates:
- Try the above steps first, advanced custom templates will work.
- If it does not work then from the Blogger menu go to Templates > Edit Html.
- Back up your current template.
- Hit CTRL + F and find the following code in the displayed template XML code:
<b:includable id='comment-form' var='post'>
- Expand it by pressing the small right facing arrow key in the left. You will find the code for your default blogger commenting which starts from <b:includable id=’comment-form’ var=’post’> and ends in </b:includable>.
- Add this code below it:
<div class='cmt_iframe_holder' expr:data-href='data:post.canonicalUrl' expr:data-viewtype='data:post.viewType'/>
- Your blogger commenting system as well as Google Plus commenting system will be activated. You can try moving the above code to different parts. You can also remove the default blogging commenting code to enable only Google Plus comments.
Advantages of Having Google Plus Comments in Your Blog
- Higher chances of being shared in Google Plus. Users have the option to share the post to Google+ and this option is checked by default.
- Google Plus Comments made to your link shared in the social network will be brought back to your website.
- Interaction level might be high.
- Additional social features like giving a +1 to comments.
Limitations of Having Google Plus Comments in Your Blog
- Your visitors might not have Google Plus account to comment with.
- Guests are not allowed to post comments.
- Visitors might not feel confident to post using their social network profile like Google Plus.
- No option of anonymous commenting.
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