How to Change Poweramp Skins?

Poweramp Music Player No Comments

Poweramp music player has different skins to fulfill your needs. Some users may prefer the default dark theme while others might want a light skin. It all depends on the individual user’s preference. Poweramp music player app for Android has two built-in skins–dark and light–respectively. A user can easily swap between these two. Furthermore, there are alternative layouts for these two skins. You can also choose the seekbar styles, activate pro buttons, add more light, force a light navigation bar and even have transparent navbars. There is also a support for 3rd party skins.

So, here are the steps to change Poweramp skins:

  1. Click on Menu ☰
  2. Go to Settings ⚙
  3. Tap on Look and Feel
  4. Navigate to Skin
  5. Choose between Light and Dark themes with these additional options.
    • Alternative layout: Moves track labels below cover, makes on-cover buttons smaller and faded.
    • Seekbar style: Default, static seekbar and simple seekbar with Pro buttons.
    • Pro buttons: Enable or disable with a slider.
    • More Light: Add white background for buttons and labels under the light skin.
    • Force Light Nav. Bar: Set a lighter navigation bar for Android devices with dark ones under the light skin.
    • Transparent Navbars: The navigation bar will be semi-transparent if enabled.

Poweramp Skins, Look and Feel

The options for 3rd party skins are at the end of this screen.

Also, one step behind in, Menu☰ > Settings  > Look and Feel, there are additional options for the layout. One major setting available there is the Settings Theme allowing us to choose a Default, Light or Dark theme for the settings.

Other interesting options under Look and Feel includes:

  • Player UI: Activate album art animation, Chromecast Button, Rating Type, Animate Long Labels, Show Track Counter, Reset Current Track Counter and Hide Unknown Album options available here.
  • Notifications: Options for Notification Type, Colorizing Notification, Previous Track Action, enabling Navigate to the list and Keep Notification are available here.
  • Screen Orientation: Choose between Default, Portrait and Landscape screen orientation.

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